Saturday, April 26, 2008

Strawberry Kisses and Chocolate Milk

Bare feet on gravel
She looks up smiling
Blows us her kisses
And twirls, hair flying

Hands dipped in orange
Marks on white walls
Builds castles in dirt
Still laughing when she falls


Don’t grow up to soon now
Save your strawberry kisses for me
Santa Clause is real
Don’t let people tell you not to believe
I’ve still got your chocolate milk
Don’t run to far away
Don’t forget to drink it
And remember at bedtime to pray

Face streaked with grass stains
Wide-eyed, toothlette grin
Gems of half seashells
He hides in a tin

Hot mugs of cocoa
Bedtime tales in the night
Madeup lullabies
Grits his teeth to hug you tight


Don’t grow up to soon now
Save your strawberry kisses for me
Santa Clause is real
Don’t let people tell you not to believe
I’ve still got your chocolate milk
Don’t run to far away
Don’t forget to drink it
And remember at bedtime to pray

Small feet in high heels
Nails, French-manicured
Hair tied in ribbon
Eyes, tinted with hurt

Face clean and shaven
Cufflinks shining new
Thumbs hooked in belt hoops
A heart, that is still bruised.

- Strawberry kisses & Chocolate Milk

Music & Lyrics by Charis Vera Ng ©


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