Monday, March 26, 2007

Dear God, yea it's me again

Dear God,yea it's me again
i'm sorry if i'm always bothering You,
it's just that
i don't have anyone else to talk to

Mummy said Daddy was talking to her
well, he was talking pretty loud
i couldn't really hear his words,
they were more like just painful sounds

Dear God,yea it's me again
i know it's been a couple of years
but i need help to find the strength

i pulled through childhood
i thought i was finebut now my boyfriend yells at me
using daddy's very same lines

why am i so tormented Lord?
why does it hurt so bad
why can't i get out of the abuse
God, when is it gonna end?

Dear God,yea it's me again
will You be the one to hold me now,
and not leave like all my friends?

i sought for love in dirty holes
to fill the ache inside
yet night after night
i couldn't stop the tears
or the urge to want to die

why was it me who ended up like this?
i really need to know
but at the end of it all
i know i still have you,
please, don't let me go

no, it's not talking about me. haha. i wrote this sometime at the beginning of this year.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


So here we go again, a gin please.
yes honey, pour me a glass.
Just like youve done for her and oh her too, im pretty sure.
its just as logical as im synical and phsycologicaly impiared.
The cup half emty, i spilled it all.
Its' life, my luck its still your call.
Always was anyway.
but you never call.
Ill still be here waiting with episodes from the OC and chocolate milk in hand.
I never was good with daily planners and tongue lashing
was always better with my hands and at lip crashing.
But we never went there did we?
3 years and you never took a sip.
and there i was.
Im with my "sister"and crying.
and Him.
comming back.
Taking off.
Its no wonder you had enough.
I get it, she saved you.
You deserve her-Wonder woman-rock and roll queen and All.
Its been written on themilkyways,
And im glad like a furry caterpillar.
kiss her for me and dry her ears from the monsoons.
Ill be standing somewhere outside.
Waiting for someone to save me too.
and hopefully,

i don't know if she wrote this, but i got it off kathy's blog.
it's fucking beautiful

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

ready? you sure?

Ready? You sure?
for the ups and downs we're gonna go through,
for the angry words that threaten to tear our heart in two

For the life we could spend together loving
yet inclusive of occasional yellings

Ready? You sure?
For what we know will be a bumpy ride to lifelong happiness

Are you ready?
Are you sure?