Thursday, February 22, 2007

The library

Shelves of books,
movement in the stillnes
muffled giggles and
the turning of pages

Do you remember?
Do the memories hit you
like they hit me?
Every corner, every shadow
everything about this place,
rings with the painful reminder
of you.
Of us

Distracted studying in the cafe,
hours pouring over books we oughtn't read
Lovebites & toyed emotions
in the shadows between shelves where no one could see
Promises of forever
sunken against plush pillows
Notes full of "i love you"
pushed across the table

Breathing in just the scent,
familiar yet new
Allowing everything to wash over me
feeling naked in absolute full view

Where are you now?
what have we become?
The library's a library again,
& i watch those younger couples sneak off,
to do what we once did

Should i have?
was it no more than a mistake?
Giving myself to you
when i did

Foolish perhaps,
yet not a moment i regret
I stand back here again,
to feel the memories fill me
To take in the shelves of books,
the stillnes found in movement
The ring of each knife-like step
with the reminder of you


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