Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Just give me back my life

the breeze is fine
but i want out
just give me back my life

i'm sitting here
just like you've asked
isn't this enough?

chorus 1
here, you have humiliated me
expelled me and just like you want
i'm turning away,from being free
you've got me where you want me
right under your thumb
and just like in your greatest dreams
my miserable life, has just begun

The cars reflect
the light, the sun
into my teary eyes

you're winning now
so let me go
just give me back my life

Chorus 2
shame, is that what you had planned for me?
it's stained my cheeks and still you won't
leave me alone and let me be
tell me what's the point in this
stealin' my life from me
i see what stems your happiness
it's all coming true your favourite dream

is this the reason why i'm here
cos your explanations aren't that clear
you're spurting bullshit that you can't believe
hold my wrongs against me since
it gives you pleasure you couldn't know exist

my hunger's fine
don't need to eat
just give me back my life

does it feel good
to keep me here
just give me back my life
give me back my life


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