Monday, January 22, 2007

with You, it's okay

ohh myyy!
i did the usual routine, clicked on the usual buttons to go to the electropoetry wall
and i half wondered
what if one day,
i had my poem up as poem of the week
would they email me?

and the next minute,
it was there

Poem of the Week:

With You, It's Okay

You're there for me when I need you, Lord.
You shelter me,
and your word is my sword.
You keep me safe.
You keep me warm.
To you I know that I belong.

My source of comfort when I'm down,
I know you'll always be around.
You hug me when I need you most.
Without you, Lord, I’d just be lost.

I know I can depend on you.
I know your promises are true.
You're my daddy, Lord,
and my best friend.
I know your love will never end.

When I am broken,
when I am hurt,
I find my solace in your church.
You help me, Lord, to find my way.
With you, I know it's all OK.

Monday, January 01, 2007

who are you

this isn't written by me
but i really really liked it

it honestly does apply to people of our age
i would say it applies to people of all ages because you can be "confident" and forty,
but still struggling to find yourself like a fourteen year old

who are you

Who are you?
Have you been deceived
into the wonders of a false life,
caught up in the clicks and fashions
of one groups mind?
Have they created you into everything
you never wanted to be?
Becoming a similar wave
to the rest in the ocean,
it’s hard to break free
isn't it?
To find yourself,
your true self,
are you scared to find it?
Scared that the true you will not fit in,
will not be liked,
will be the ultimate outcast?
Fight back,
fight for the inner and most true,
let yourself be set free,
discover a day with no worries and stress,
simply living,
being yourself, nothing more.

Benjamin, 17
North Carolina