Thursday, May 11, 2006

one way mirror

expliques s'il vous plait?

it happened in slow motion,
i swear i could almost see it
i swear i saw it coming

one minute it was all okay,
and the next

that familiar click,
i held the phone away from my ear before i could hear the line gone dead,
before i could hear it and feel that familiar shiver up my spine,
before i realize and feel the familiar warm tears

i didn't know what to think,
what to feel
i'm frustrated in a way
i don't understand,
i don't understand at all.
and i half wonder if i really want to.

it's like a one way mirror i'm standing at,
and i see you on the other side.
i place my hand on the same place your hand is at,
with only the glass in between us.
i see you on the other side
i know you're there
but you can't be sure i'm on the other side of the glass you're looking at
because all you can see,
is your own reflection
you think i'm on the other side,
and i am
but you don't know if i'll be there long
you don't know that i'm standing there and that i won't walk away,
not now,
not anytime soon,
not ever.
i see you on the other side,
and i see you trying to look through the reflective glass,
i see you trying to see if i'm there
and i am
but you don't know that,
you can't be sure
you keep thinking i'm going to walk away,
walk away and leave you standing
but i won't
i'm there
though you can't see me
though all you see right now is your own reflection.
i'm still there


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